So apparently I have abandoned my blog. Leading up to the wedding I kept on saying to myself, “after the wedding I’ll get back on it right away with all my wedding pictures, and all the fun stories, and basically I’ll be a blogging superstar!” …and then real life happened, and all of a sudden it’s been over 2 months since I’ve blogged. But the thing is, there are so many changes and wonderful things, where could one even start? So in lieu of a writing a book for my few readers (but don’t worry I’ll add pictures soon!), here are a few of the new titles I’ve acquired in the past 2 months:
1. CORINNE ELISABETH MATHER—the name change is official! Corinne Chapell no longer exists in the United States of America…weird!
2. SISTER-IN-LAW—to 3 amazing new siblings
3. MASTER TRAVELER--in one month we traveled to/from the following destinations: St. Louis, MO; Buena Vista, CO; Colorado Springs, CO; back to St. Louis; Chattanooga, TN; Atlanta, GA; IKEA (yes, this does count as a destination); back to Chattanooga; Honolulu, HI; Fortworth, TX; and finally back home to Chattanooga.
4. GEORGIA RESIDENT—I’m not so proud of this one, but I’ve surrendered my beloved St. Louis/Missouri license and have a brand, shiny new Georgia license with my name spelled wrong on it. Can you tell how excited I am?
4. HOMEMAKER—so maybe this is still in progress….but…I mean…we’ve got fancy-schmancy window treatments…so that counts, right?
5. MOM—just kidding! No, we are NOT pregnant, but I did get a job as a nanny for 2 amazing little cuties!
And my favorite:
6. WIFE—yeah, this one’s pretty much incredible!
(oh yeah, and I'm in process of putting up pictures, but if you want a preview of the wedding shots, go to kellyparkphoto.blogspot.com and scroll down until you see us!)